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Monday, June 14, 2010

Wonderful World of Disney

The day school got out and I was done with therapy, we loaded up the vehicle and headed out! We were on our way to Disney World. My fabulous best friend and her family were already there. They got a 4-bedroom condo and invited us to join them, sans payment on the room. We could have never gone without them! So many thank-you's! We drove to Birmingham, spent the night with friends, then loaded up and made the long trek to Orlando. Kaythlen loved it! Although, she was as happy with the pool at the condo as she was with Disney World. We did the Magic Kingdom one day. She's only 3, so we didn't think she'd get a big kick out of all the parks. This one, though, was special!

Let me just say that if we had not bought this stroller, the day would have been miserable. She loved not having to walk, and spent 3/4 of her day in it! Lifesaver!

We got there just in time to see the opening show in front of Cinderella's castle.

Doesn't "Uncle" Joedy look delighted! Ha!

Of course, you HAVE to ride Dumbo!

Kaythlen enjoyed the carousel.

Kate and I didn't mind it either.

The girls had a front-row view for the parade.

This is how they looked by the end of the day! And I looked worse, thus no pictures of me at the end! It was a fabulous day and we got a lot of princess pictures. Those will come soon!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Recital 2010

Kaythlen has had a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with dance this year. We made her stick it out. She loved the recital part, so I guess it was worth it in the end. We will find a new dance studio for next year (although Steve says we're taking a year off). Either way, here are some pics from the good times.

Reagan and Kayt at rehearsal.

Hope, one of her best friends from school, and Kayt. They just HAD to pose with Hope's character brushes.

Madeline, Maddie, Hope, and Kayt. This was before their tap dance.

Time for tap! My pictures were not coming out well, and it got even more hectic from here with costume changes, so this is all I got. I ordered the video since I spent the entire recital backstage. It just came in, so I'll let you know how it came out!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mommy and Daddy

I'm so behind on blogging. Guess the end of the school year and vacation will do that to you! Here are some pics from last month of Kayt all dressed up with Mom and Dad.

Kayt was too busy showing me her flower to pose with Dad.

Again, still loving the gardenia she picked.

We finally got her distracted enough to look away from the flower at the camera! There will be many more pics to come in the future since Steve got me a new toy! More on that in a later post!
