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Monday, November 7, 2011

Kennedy is 10 (gasp!) months old!

My sweet Kennedy, you are 10 months old today! Here is what you are up to!

*You crawl like a "normal" baby now. You still like to stick that leg in when you are only going a short distance. It makes it easier for you to sit back down.

*You pull up on any and everything! And once you are up, you think it's fun to let go and see how long you can stand on your own. I counted 10 seconds yesterday. Momma and Daddy are in trouble. I see walking in your near future!

*You cruise around. You crawl faster, so when you're in a hurry you go back down, but you can cruise and hold on to anything and anyone. You love to crawl to the back door and talk to Lambert through the window. We can always find you there.

*You finally got an ENT appointment for next week. We are hoping to get tubes in those ears and get you well! Ear infections since August is craziness!

*You should be talking up a storm once you get those tubes. You say "Momma" consistently and only to me. You call your sister "Kiki" or "Shishy". You raise your hand and say "hi". You don't wave, you just hold up your hand. Your Daddy has adopted that as well, so I don't see you actually waving any time soon. It's pretty cute though.

*You tried dog food last night. Must have liked it, because you fought me to get it out of your mouth. That was after your Daddy had taken it way from you...twice. Emma shall eat outside from now on.

*You have not adapted to the time change yet. So much for that extra hour I was supposed to get. Now you're just up at 5:30 instead of 6:30. Hope you catch on to that one soon!

*You don't like baby food. You want REAL food, which is hard seeing as you still have NO teeth.

*You do not like juice....or drinking from a cup. This is going to be a challenge since I want the bottle gone at 1 year.

*You only use your paci to sleep. Otherwise, you don't want it at all.

*You are wearing size 3 diapers (but I think we will move up as soon as this package is gone). You are wearing 18 mos clothes and size 3 shoes. When we went to the doctor for your ears last Thursday, you weighed 21lbs, 15oz.

Momma, Daddy, and Kayt love, love, love you, little biscuit!


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