This morning, I wanted to cry. For the first time, ever, when I dropped Kennedy off she did not want to go to her teachers. She just clung to me. And when her teacher took her, she cried. Broke. My. Heart.
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Kennedy is 1 year old!
My sweet Kennedy, you are 1-year-old! Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I brought you home looking like this...

Here's what you are up to at 1-year!
*You are WALKING! You started about 2 weeks before your birthday. Now you refuse to do anything else. We joke that you must have a spring in your bottom because if you fall down, you pop right back up!
*You are SUCH a picky eater compared to your sister. I generally have luck as long as it has no color. Foods with color are a battle.
*You are wearing 18 month clothes, size 3/4 shoes, and size 3 diapers.
*You are still such a good sleeper.
*You are constantly congested. We had hoped you'd be healthier since you got're being difficult.
*You are much more independent. You will play on your own and you don't want to be held all of the time. Your teachers at daycare say they are seeing the same things.
*You almost have 2 teeth! They have finally broken through, but they are really hard to see if you're not looking for them.
*You say "Momma", "Daddy", "Uh oh", "Dog", "Cat", "That", "Bottle", "Eyes", "Sissy", and a few others I can't think of off the top of my head.
*You are transitioning to soy milk very well. We're fixing to try taking away the bottle and using only cups. Bet that doesn't go so well. :)
*You love to go for walks. I can't wait until the weather warms will be my walking partner for sure.
*You are still a Momma's girl. But you separate well, especially at school.
*You think your sister and Daddy are funny (smart girl).
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Look what I did!
I realize that for a lot of you, this header is what you would expect to see on a blog. For me, I finally got it to work, so this is HUGE! Had to share. Hope to share Kennedy's 1 year post soon! I'm a horrible Mommy and forgot to take the good camera so it will all be in iphone pics. But, at least I got them.
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