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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kennedy is 5 months old!

My dear, sweet Kennedy, you are 5 months and 1 day old. Yes, your Momma is a day late and a dollar short, but at least I got a post for this month. I totally missed your 4 month post. Don't worry, I did take pictures!

You are the sweetest baby! Unless, of course, you don't get put down for a nap as soon as you get tired. If I miss one eye rub, you're inclined to fight sleep. It's crazy. We still rock you to sleep. I can't seem to stop. I just love snuggling with you!

You are wearing size 2 diapers (for a little while longer).

You are wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes, but you're starting to move up to 6-9 months.

You are now a "soy" baby. Milk based formula and you do not make for a happy tummy.

You always look surprised in pictures. I think it's just a baby thing, but I'm getting better at taking pictures without your eyes wide open.

You have moved up to fruits and vegetables. If I had had my way, it would just be vegetables. We just got back from your Marme's house, and she cheated one night while I had to work and gave you apples. You love them, of course! So far, you like green beans and squash a lot too.

Your Daddy still calls you his "little biscuit". It's catching. I do it a lot too. So much so, that your Marme is convinced that you are going to think it is your name. You're too smart for that!

Your sister loves you so very much, and you love her too! You grin as soon as you hear her voice.

You have found your feet, and you think they are great fun!

You are rolling over from your back to your tummy, but you just get stuck there.

You can almost sit up without help.

You like Auntie Alison and Uncle Joedy's swimming pool, but you don't like the "cold" water when you first get in.

You have outgrown your baby bathtub. You're on a mat in the "big girl" tub now!

At your 4 month appointment, you weighed 14 lbs, 13 oz. No one is worried about you being too little anymore. You're storing food for the winter in your cheeks and your legs!

The favorite part of my day is when I come to get your from your crib in the morning. I say "hi" and get the biggest grin. It just warms my heart!

We love you so very much more each and every day!


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