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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

This weekend was extremely relaxing. So relaxing, in fact, that I didn't do any of my weekend house cleaning. I know, I know. Yuck! I'll just have to be extra busy for the next night or two after work. Saturday Kaythlen and I slept late (for us) and spent the morning picking up and just hanging out. Then we went to buy flowers for our pots out front and to Chick-Fil-A (her favorite place) for lunch. Steve met us for lunch and we took Kayt to the park. She LOVES to feed the ducks (aka-geese).

Here she is in action. We'll definitely have to build up her pitching arm!

This "little" guy got so close I had to take the big pieces of bread away from Kaythlen for fear of losing a finger! He was afraid of nothing! He was great at catching bread in his mouth when I threw it to him, though. Once I got him away from Kayt, we became good buddies.

There was one swan in the entire bunch.

Then we headed to her second favorite part of the park. She would run to the stairs, climb up, and slide down repeatedly. She took a really good nap!

She rode the duck too. She's not thrilled with swings. Steve said she was fine with them the last time we went. Must be a "Mommy' thing.

Today, after church and brunch, we met up with my bestie and her kiddo for some retail therapy! Steve was forced to come along, but he was a trooper! All in all, a great Mommy's Day! Hope yours' were too!
