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Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Little Silly!

Daddy made it through surgery just fine today. Although, if you ask him, "fine" might not be how he'd describe it! He's in a private room, out of recovery. They removed the lymph nodes and his prostate. They biopsied the area around his prostate and that came back negative. The lymph nodes have to be sent off, but we hope to hear back soon! Until then, he's not handling the drugs well. He woke up earlier asking mom where his "nose" was. I'm thinking morphine is not a good mix with him! hehe

We didn't make it down for the surgery, but we hope to go see him next weekend when he gets home and is better able to handle a Kay-t-bug climbing all over him! Thanks again for all of your prayers! We know God is listening!


  1. Love the picture of Kayt! And now I am an official follower of your blog! You can add a website to your facebook page so people can click on it and read your blog....if you want to. That is how I found a lot of people I knows blogs. Praying for your dad.

  2. Oh, and I still can't figure out how to add a blog list, a new background, or a video! Ha! I'm so not good at this!
