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Friday, December 9, 2011

Kennedy is 11 months old!

My sweet little Kennedy, you are 11 months old. Time is flying by. Here is what you have been up to lately:

*You are wearing 18 month clothes. They are a little long in the arms, but they are the right size everywhere else.

*You are still in size 3 diapers. I have another HUGE box, so let's get that one used up before you move up!

*You are into everything! You crawl and climb all over the place. You think everything belongs to you and get mad when you are told that it doesn't.

*You can stand up without holding on to anything. You even took two steps the other day before you fell. I hope that since we got tubes put in your ears yesterday, your balance will improve and you will be off and walking everywhere soon.

*Speaking of yesterday, you were the sweetest baby in the hospital. You didn't cry when they took you back or when they gave you the mask to help you sleep. You did cry a little bit when it was done, but as soon as I gave you food, you were a happy girl again. Even the doctor and nurses were talking about how sweet you were. I was so proud of you.

*You still have a much bigger temper than your sister ever had. And you scream....LOUDLY. But, again, now that you can hear yourself cry it might quiet down. Note that I said "might".

*You are still my sweet sleeper.

*We went to your Auntie Alison's for thought it was great fun to climb her stairs. No worries, they were blocked off unless someone was with you to make sure you were safe.

*You are a VERY picky eater. Your sister ate everything. You will eat something one day and spit it at me the next. You tend to like things without color and you can't stand juice. This ought to be fun (ha!).

*You still LOVE your bottle. I plan on taking it away next month, so let's keep trying to figure out this cup thing, okay? It's not to throw on the floor or bang on the tray. You drink from it. I keep telling you keep disagreeing.

*You only use your paci when you sleep. I'm thinking this one will be easier to get rid of. I let your sister keep hers until she was 2, but I don't see you keeping it for that long.

*I can't wait for your first Christmas. I'm thinking I'll just wrap boxes for you. I figure your favorite part will be eating the paper and bows, anyway.

We love, love, love our sweet little almost-a-one-year-old biscuit!


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